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Jumpjet is a configuration management tool. Its key concepts are variables and environments.
Configuration simply describes your variables and how their values change between your environments. Here's a small example of an app configuration:
A config variable is anything that changes between your environments (examples for environments: dev, demo, prod).
Some variables are technical in nature, for example:
Connection strings (example value: Data;Initial Catalog=DBName;User ID=DBUser;Password=myPassword)
Number of instances of a microservice (example value: 3)
On the other hand, some variables are more business-related in nature, for example:
The list of languages that your users can choose from (example value: [ "English", "German" ])
Whether email verification is required for every new user (example value: false)
Jumpjet can help you manage any variable, whether it's technical or business related. The rule is: if it changes between environments, you will benefit from storing it in Jumpjet.
An environment is any deployment of your app that your company maintains. Typical environments include:
Different environments may vary in:
The app version they run (e.g. demo runs v1.9.4 and prod runs v1.9.2).
Their infrastructure setup (e.g. prod runs a database cluster of 3 machines while demo runs just 1 machine)
Their configuration- what Jumpjet is here to help you solve
In some companies, the number of environments is much bigger than 3 or 4. B2B companies sometimes create a new environment per client (due to regulations or architectural limitations), and end up with dozens or hundreds. This compounds the challenges of config management even further (see FAQ: But what's wrong with how I currently manage configuration?)
Jumpjet supports managing configuration between any number of environments in a centralized way.
An app is a single software component, for example a microservice, a web front-end or a native mobile app. In Jumpjet, you can manage multiple apps from your account.
Value in demo environment
Value in prod environment
Database location
Number of instances of authentication microservice
Supported languages in the UI
English, Dutch, Chinese